Prep Day 16 (!) — Pre-flight Jitters

Aerial Bear
2 min readJan 17, 2021


Well, we’re almost ready to go. The house here is almost empty and the trailer’s “mostly” loaded. We’ll be on the road in another two days, I’d say.

I’m nervous about the possibility of a mechanical breakdown. Maya’s worried about political radicals blocking the highways. Also, the new COVID strain needs to be avoided, so we will be doing a sort of “mobile social isolation”.

the buyer stopped by to drop of a gift basket. Lots of nice snacks for the road! We decided to leave her a house warming gift. Maya thought “wine” and I thought “chocolate” so we compromised on coffee. And and a french press. And some mugs, if we can find a couple nice ones in our spare moments. Heh.

The buyer seems really sweet. She grew up in Lindenwold, and this house will be her first. Her teen-ages some was with her, and seemed nice; quiet, a little introverted, and eager to turn the attic into his game room/chill space. The attic is very cold in the winter, but I’ll avoid the obvious “chill” joke.

So! My next post should be from somewhere in Ohio. Or Indiana. Or western Pennsylvania. We’ll see. My intent is to post something at the end of each day while we’re on te road. Expect a lot of Oh-God-I’m-Tired posts.

And a big thanks to all our friends! You’ve been more supportive and helpful than I ever could have hoped for. This move is a dream come true for both of us, and we are sincerely grateful to everyone who’s helped make it happen.



Aerial Bear

I am a bear living among humans, and have gotten so good at it that people rarely notice. I am a husband, step-father, author, musician, and much else.